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Mindfulness in community

We provide body-mind-spirit/mindfulness education and material support to people from different walks of life through volunteering services and different activities, such as:

  • Soul Alliance Hairdressers” training program and volunteer hairdressing services for the elderly
    Soul Alliance offers hairdressing course by experienced professional hairstylists on basic hairdressing knowledge and techniques. After completing the course, our volunteers provide free hairdressing services for golden agers at elderly homes or community centres, with dedicated volunteers to chat with them and express our love and care.
  • Face-to-face and online elderly visits
    Over the past years, our volunteers have visited families of elderly singletons/doubletons/tripletons, chatting with them and sharing gift packs. During the pandemic, we have supported Sheng Kung Hui’s Multi-disciplinary Outreaching Support Teams for the Elderly since October 2021, while conducting regular online visits to care homes starting 2022, so that our volunteers can virtually socialise with the elderly residents, who have been parted from their families for long.
  • Mindfulness activities
    With an aim to promote mindfulness, we hold various workshops and lectures in the community, partnering with different organizations and schools to encourage learning and practicing mindfulness in daily life, and ultimately enhancing whole-person wellbeing in body, mind and spirit.
  • Material donation to those in need
    Everyone in the community has unique needs. We collect or purchase materials for those in need, including but not limited to the elderly, school children from low-income families, cleaners and homeless people, providing timely services even during the pandemic.

During the past few years, Hong Kong has seen unprecedented challenges with demand for physical and mental wellbeing growing over time. We look to deepen our mindfulness services and expand our service network to benefit even more people in need.